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Plant Spirit
Lavender - Linden - Lilac

Purple Lilac flowers.jpeg

Class is being rescheduled - stay tuned!




Lavender means a lot to us as humans. We have a long history of day-to-day relationship with Lavender with good reason. Lavender Spirit will work with us though the harmony of the mind, thoughts and inter-relatedness.

Materials: dried Lavender, Lavender flower honey.




Our meeting with Linden, also known as Basswood, will work with the alignment of head and heart, and working with the heart as a metabolizer, cleanser and healer. We will work with the Linden flowers, and our own flowering hearts.

Materials: dried Linden flowers, Linden pollen honey.




The work with Lilac Spirit can be so varied for people! In this offering we will work with one of the core aspects of Lilac in managing our own permeability and allowing things to pass through, or by-pass, without attachment. This is another aspect of working with our own energetic boundaries, be it within daily life or in a larger context of of what is happening around us or even within our own lineages.


Materials: dried Lilac flowers, Lilac flower infused honey.



Class includes two meetings, class materials and shipping.


$320 for the two classes including materials and a playback recording.


You can register with a deposit and pay the balance later. *For those outside of the U.S., please contact me to register without materials.


Pre-requisite: any plant spirit class with me, including Utiseta, Apprenticeship, Plant Spirit Weeds, Plant Spirit Psychopomp, Plant Spirit mentoring sessions. If you have other plant spirit experience that may be similar, please reach out before registering. 


Please do your preparation work before you arrive, do your cleansing or clearing practices to ready yourself for the work.


Format: - We will start with a review of how to do the work of connecting to plant spirit. - Initial meeting with the plant, time for note taking. - Information from me about the plant - Second meeting with the plant, time for note taking. - Sharing of the group experience about the plant being. This invitation to share and ask questions is an important part of learning how we are relating as humans to the plant beings we are coming into relationship with. 

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