Plant Spirit Psychopomp

What is a psychopomp?
A conductor of souls or spirits, a being who knows how to guide souls making a transition. The work of a psychopomp is important, not just for the compassionate care of those who’s bodies have died (souls or spirits), but also for the health of those who have living bodies. Our ancestors knew it was important for souls to continue on their path. A persons death experience or life regrets may keep them from continuing on their journey. These lingering spirits can create problems for the living, leading to a host of issues from depression, illness, substance abuse, emotional challenges and thoughts of death.
In order to care for spirits of the dead, we enter into this sacred and compassionate work of the living human psychopomp (you). Long ago our cultures had people who did this work, as we transitioned into modern life, we find ourselves without the human psychopomps we need.
Since ancient times, land spirits, plant spirits and tree spirits have been trusted psychopomps for the dead. We have relied on these relationships in the past for safe passage, and continue to incorporate plants in our ancestral, funerary and burial practices today, although we might not remember why. Many modern cultures have lost this ancient knowledge, yet, we carry this wisdom of our ancestors in our bones, and can start to remember together.
Join this rare offering of plant spirit psychopomp.
We will explore plants, trees and land in practices from around the world, and enter into experiential work together. There is a lot to know in this work, consider this offering an introduction.
Learn how to do this middle-world work and maintain personal sovereignty by being in relationship with key plants and trees. This is especially helpful for those who work in or visit; hospitals, hospice care facilities, cemeteries and for those doing ancestral work.
This training is helpful for mental heath professionals, death doulas, shamanic practitioners and psychedelic facilitators, as they encounter lingering energies of the dead with clients, especially when ancestral trauma arrises.
Learn how to do this client led work, with languaging appropriate for mental health professionals and death doulas to use in a clinical setting. This training is a bit unique compared to other psychopomp trainings, in that it is client led not practicioner led. We learn to be facilitators, how to ask good questions and how to be in a state of curiosity and wonder with our clients. The process is entirely done through the clients own senses.
Discover plants and trees that could be helpful during the death process.
Connect with the powerful networks of plant, tree and land psychopomps who already know how to aid beings in transition. While you will be sent plant sprays and plant materials to work with in the training, you don't need the materials to work with plant spirit.
Learn how to identify and help spirits who need to cross a threshold, and how to check on loved ones. Again, this is a client-led process where we learn how to use our non-physical senses to guide us in the good questions to ask our clients and to tune-into their experience from their own perspective. This method of inquiry thought the clients senses and knowing, helps us to meet them where they are at and to help connect them with resources for the psychopomp process.
Become familiar with the thresholds people may need to cross in order to continue on their path and how some plants and trees are connected with them.
Learn how to do this work in short sessions over time, or in a longer session. For most professionals, client work needs to happen in 50 minutes or less.
Learn how to care for yourself during and after you do this work.​
Pre-requisites: personal stability and experience receiving non-physical information through Clair senses, natural mediumship or shamanic journeying. The following two classes are recommend, especially for those newer to this type of work. I highly recommend you already have your own sovereignty practices in place before the training. Upon registering you will be provided with a half-off coupon for these pre-recorded on-demand classes.
The Energetic Structures class is recommended to attend, you can attend this class by recording at the link. This class helps to have a foundation in the languaging and concepts we will be using. I will do a short review of these concepts at the beginning of the Psychopomp training.
The Boundaries, Protection and Clearing class is important sovereignty work to either attend this class or have these skills. We must be able to maintain our own personal sovereignty in doing this work, so these skills really are vital. There is a version of this training for mental health professionals, please contact me for access.
This 3-day live video training is for practitioners, health care professionals, psychologists, psychedelic facilitators, hospice workers, death midwives and death doulas who want to expand their training into after death care. You need to have previous basic training in how to work with clients or already work with clients. You will need a computer to attend (no attending by phone please).
3 day intensive training, live, by video, April 11th-13th, 2025 each day we will meet:
11am to 5:30pm Eastern
10am to 4:30pm Central
9am to 3:30pm Mountain
8am to 2:30pm Pacific
We will have an hour lunch break each day.
You will be sent a package of plant preparations in advance of our class.
*Registration deadline April 2nd, 2025
Register with a full payment, or a half payment to save your spot, pay the second half later.
Registration $ 575
Includes the 3 day training, plant preparations and shipping to a U.S. address.
**For those outside of the United States, please ask for a registration without plant materials for a discounted fee.
+17.25 service fee (contact me if you want to send a check to avoid the fee)
Limited to 15 participants.
To apply for this training please send me an e-mail including your experience with energy/spirit work, your client work training and your professional training information.
Scroll down for testimonials from past trainings.
***Group mentoring will be offered after the training for those who would like to be a part of more demos, get practice doing the work with the support of me and the group and to have group discussions. Typically we meet every other week for 2 hours for 6 total meetings over 3 months. This is perfect for those who want to go a little deeper and need more support in doing the work. The cost for the 6 sessions is $300. I will reach out to everyone about a week after class ends for the opportunity to attend the mentoring.

"I learned a lot in class. As one who does a lot of psychopomp work, it was fascinating to hear about and be exposed to another way of doing the work. I look forward to integrating different aspects of your approach into what I do. Most especially, I once again learned a lot in my encounters with the plants that you facilitated. There was much healing that happened and no doubt will be ongoing.
Finally, I learned a lot about holding space and setting container observing the lovely ways that you do this. These were unexpected learnings and yet very timely as I prepare to teach this coming weekend.
I offer deep gratitude for the impactful psychopomp work that you do and for the profound relationships with the Plant Spirits that you cultivate and nurture.
blessings to you in all that you do."
"Thank you for the very thorough follow up document. I appreciate how you've reviewed all of the plants with whom we were in circle and added support materials including where to buy plants and herbs.
The class was thoughtfully planned and even though we as teachers could go on for hours, those receiving the information need time to incorporate all of this new information. As I mentioned I appreciated the hour for lunch and the breaks - my dog did, too!
The case studies provided lots of good information. I know you mentioned that you didn't get to all of them, but the ones we received were very helpful.
I hope you continue offering this as it is a superb class.
Also!!! I loved receiving the sprays and plants in the mail. This was wonderful.
Thank you for a learning filled, sacred weekend."
"I really loved this class! I've done Psychopomp work before, but inviting the plants into this work filled a component I didn't realise was missing. Whenever I do a course with you I'm always reminded to practise my listening and be a humble learner to the wise Plant and Tree beings. I'm very excited to deepen my relationship with these plants and and am grateful for the offering!"
"Firstly, I want to thank you for such a beautiful, meaningful class. It was as opening as it was grounding for me. I feel like I reclaimed a lost part of myself. There's a lot of reflection to be had, and I'm taking the time to rest as much as I can. I feel tired, but a calm tired. I enjoyed the format of the class and found it all to be very helpful. I think it was important to share ethics around this work, and I'm grateful for the incorporation of that in this training. I also enjoyed getting to know the other students and sharing perspectives. Thank you for introducing us to the plants - it was really nice getting to know them, and I really would like to deepen my knowledge, and relationships, in that aspect. As you know, I'm also really interested in stories as I think that is partly how I will be doing this work, so I'm looking forward to engaging with the lore playfully and with curiosity. There are some things that came up for me personally that I think need some tending to, I'm just not sure when would be the best time. I would like your support in it when the time comes. Thank you again. It was truly an honor to be a part of this group and training."
"I think the class went very well. The cohort was awesome and I loved being able to hear from the perspectives of the death doulas present. You did an amazing job answering people’s questions and empowering us to make decisions based off of respect and compassion. I can’t wait to take more classes with you and maybe even work one on one!"
"Rereading my notes, I can’t believe how much you packed in to the workshop. I haven’t even begun reading all the documents you gifted us. I think it will take a while to integrate all the knowledge.
As always, your workshop was more than I expected or dreamed of. I am very grateful to have been able to participate, and to meet the plant spirits and the group in this way.
Thank you again so much for this opportunity."
"I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the Plant Spirit Psychopomp class. I so appreciate the care and concern you show for your clients, students, plant spirits and the energies that surround all of us. It was a great learning experience and I so appreciate the firm but very gentle and creative ways you use to deal with energies that need to move on. I think I will always remember "the human body is perfectly designed to house one soul...."! I also appreciate how you led by example and encouraged us to use our "curiosity and wondering" to keep asking questions that can lead to resolutions--a great skill to be applied to all aspects of living! I highly recommend you and this class!"
"I was just talking with an old coven mate who has done shamanic work and knows a little bit about psychopomp. She confirmed that a lot of practitioners seem to assume they know best and want to force or trick spirits or entities to do what they want and go where they want. And she mentioned someone who told a spirit to "go to the light" and ended up with the entity stuck to them because they were the "light" that the entity saw. And it wasn't until that conversation that I finally realized what you were telling me during class when I asked about my mom."