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A highly concentrated preparation of Plant Spirit, and plant magic, specifically for natural psychopomps. Are you someone who attracts the dead and other spirits who need assistance? This spray acts in two ways, it is protective for you, allowing you to be unseen by those you don't wish to interact with, while also bringing the Psychopomp Plants to those who need them. 


Perfect for psychopomps, death doulas, death midwives, shamanic practitioners and those concerned about picking up energies while visiting cemeteries and other places of the dead.


One spray goes a long way. Say your dedication first, something like this works well: 


Ruta, Ruta, Ruta

See me.

Let me pass unseen,

to do my work this day.


Then spray above head and allow the mist to settle over your body.


Spray for body and air, made from whole plants grown by me, special waters and alcohol spirits. No essential oils, no strong odors. 

Psychopomp Ruta Spray

PriceFrom $18.00


    North side of Madison, WI

    All appointments and classes are over video, unless otherwise noted.

    ​© 2024 Nativa Medica

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